A medium-to-full-bodied Cuban 'exile brand' from Rolando (Puros Indios) Reyes, who began making Cuban Aliados cigars in Havana in the 1940's. He moved his business from Union City to Miami, then to Danli, Honduras, after the revolution. This cigar is meticulously handcrafted with Dominican long-fillers, Nicaraguan binder, and a choice of Nicaraguan Corojo natural or Maduro wrappers. It's an earthy, robust, must-try.
Cuba Aliados Churchill 5 pack
Package of 5
x 50
A medium-to-full-bodied Cuban 'exile brand' from Rolando (Puros
Indios) Reyes, who began making Cuban Aliados cigars in Havana
during the 1940's. During the revolution, he moved his business
to Union City, NJ and Miami, then to Danli, Honduras. These
handcrafted cigars are made up of Dominican long fillers,
Nicaraguan binder and oily Nicaraguan Corojo natural or Maduro
wrappers. An earthy, robust, 'must-try'.
A medium-to-full-bodied Cuban 'exile brand' from Rolando (Puros
Indios) Reyes, who began making Cuban Aliados cigars in Havana
during the 1940's. His operations were relocated to Union City,
NJ, Miami, and Danli, Honduras after the revolution. This cigar
is meticulously handcrafted, mostly in large ring sizes, with
Dominican long-fillers, Nicaraguan binder, and a choice of oily
Nicaraguan Corojo natural or Maduro wrappers from Nicaragua. A
robust, earthy cigar to try.
A medium-to-full-bodied Cuban 'exile brand' from Rolando (Puros
Indios) Reyes, who began making Cuban Aliados cigars in Havana
during the 1940s. His operation moved to Union City and Miami
after the revolution and finally to Danli, Honduras after the
revolution. With a well-balanced blend of Dominican long-fillers,
Nicaraguan binder, and an oily Nicaraguan Corojo natural or
Maduro wrapper, these cigars are meticulously handcrafted and a
It's a medium-bodied Cuban 'exile brand' from Rolando (Puros
Indios) Reyes, who began producing Cuban Aliados cigars during
the 1940s in Havana. After the revolution, he moved his operation
to Union City, NJ and Miami, and finally to Danli, Honduras. A
well-balanced blend of Dominican long-fillers, Nicaraguan binder,
and oily Nicaraguan Corojo natural and Maduro wrappers makes
these cigars a must-try. An earthy, robust, 'must-try'.
Rolando (Puros Indios) Reyes, the Cuban 'exile brand' began
making Cuban Aliados cigars in Havana during the 1940s. His
business moved from Union City, NJ to Miami, then to Danli,
Honduras after the revolution. Handcrafted cigars with a
well-balanced blend of Dominican long-fillers, Nicaraguan binder,
and oily Nicaraguan Corojo natural or Maduro wrappers. An earthy,
robust cigar that's hard to resist.
TheCigarStore.com does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. TheCigarStore.com does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
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Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
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sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
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