Crowned Heads is a premium cigar company committed to producing cigars of artisanal quality that are defined by a combination of excellent flavor, balance, and consistency. We believe in continuous improvement, and in a marriage of tradition with innovation. We feel that tobacco lives, breathes, and speaks to us; it leads the blend and it names the brand. As Michelangelo once said, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” Crowned Heads is influenced by a time when quality, pride, and integrity mattered. We strive to bring our vision to reality and invite you to live in our world. We are not here to do it like everyone else. When the rules don’t make sense to us, we carve our own path.
Crowned Heads La Coalicion Gordito 5 pack
Package of 5
x 50
The perfect combination of sweet spice, leather, cocoa, and pepper;
La Coalicion is a definite must-have in your humidor. With Drew
Estate and Crowned Heads joining forces to create this unique
blend, we are delighted to be able to experience a smoking
sensation like no other. With decades of expertise and passion for
the craft behind it, La Coalicion promises a remarkable experience
time and time again.
La Coalicion, a collaboration by Drew Estate and Crowned Heads, is
a unique balance of sweet spice, leather, cocoa and pepper. This
exquisite blend is sure to be an incredible addition to any
humidor. The fusion of their decades of experience and dedication
to the art of cigar-making has led to one of the most sublime
smoking experiences available today. Don't miss out on this special
With an earthy Mexican San Andres wrapper over an Ecuadorian
Sumatra binder, Crowned Heads Juarez Jack Brown cigars are filled
with premium Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. Order a box
today, and get ready to enjoy this savory addition to the wildly
popular Crowned Heads line, filled with rich flavors of
chocolate, black pepper, oak, and cream.
In addition to their dark, oily Mexican San Andres wrapper,
Ecuador Sumatra binder, and Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers,
Crowned Heads Juarez Willy Lee cigars provide an unforgettable
smoking experience. Willie Lee is an incredibly smooth, highly
fragrant, medium to full bodied smoke that oozes with well
refined flavors of chocolate, black pepper, oak, and cream.
Serie E is a part of Crowned Heads' CHC Reserve series (Crowned
Heads Court Reserve), which debuted in 2018 with the Crowned
Heads Court Reserve XVIII cigar. Unlike the XVIII, the Serie E is
not limited in production. Moreover, the cigar utilizes an
entirely different blend and manufacturing partner, being crafted
at the Tabacalera Pichardo factory in Nicaragua (in contrast to
Ernesto Perez-Carrillo's Tabacalera La Alianza in the DR).
With a light oily brown wrapper, the Four Kicks Sublime was
smooth to the touch and evenly colored. It smelled of earth and
spice, with some tooth. The pre-light aroma was very strong. 1st
quarter: The cigar was smooth and the draw was effortless,
allowing plenty of smoke to enter the mouth.
The Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper conceals an Ecuadorian
Sumatra binder and Dominican, Peruvian and Nicaraguan filler. It
offers creamy, vanilla and spicy notes. The Crowned Heads Sfumato
in C Major is a smooth, balanced smoke that pairs well with a
chilled glass of wine or coffee. Handmade in Nicaragua.
Crowned Heads Yellow Rose Box Pressed Torpedo 5 pack
Package of 5
x 54
Known globally for their refined boutique selections, Crowned
Heads is particularly recognized for the Crowned Heads Yellow
Rose. With a focused distribution area, this cigar pays homage to
an 1800s folk song called 'The Yellow Rose of Texas'. Crafted
with expertise at the renowned My Father Cigars factory in
Esteli, this box-pressed torpedo features a bold blend of premium
Nicaraguan binder and fillers beneath a dark Connecticut
Broadleaf wrapper, providing a proverbially Texan-sized flavor.
While Crowned Heads does offer one day per year for retailers
across the nation to purchase this regional offering, it remains
impressively scarce and should be savored appropriately.
Featuring a dark, chocolatey Mexican San Andres wrapper, an
Ecuadorian Sumatra binder and Nicaraguan and Dominican filler
leaves, this medium-strength cigar is full of spice, sweetness,
and leather flavors. Handmade in Nicaragua, the Crowned Heads
Juarez OBS is an excellent everyday smoke at a budget-friendly
price. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.