Whether you are a seasoned pro, or brand new to the premium cigar smoking scene, there’s a very good chance that you have either heard of, or smoked a Cohiba Cigar. The original Cohiba is the flagship brand of Habanos SA and was originally created in 1966 for the late President of Cuba, Fidel Castro. Today, these award-winning cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, with the Cohiba Red Dot Cigars standing out as one of the company’s oldest and most popular offerings. Meticulously handcrafted by the factories most highly skilled rollers, Cohiba Red Dot Cigars feature a sweet, toothy, Cameroon wrapper from Africa that surrounds an Indonesian binder, and three varieties of Cuban-seed long filler tobaccos grown in the Dominican Republic. Rich flavors of leather, coffee, cinnamon, and caramel, around a core of sweet spice, provides a luxurious medium bodied experience that’s not to be missed by any true cigar connoisseur. Order your favorite size, then enjoy a modern-day classic that sets the standard of excellence by which all other Dominican cigars are judged.
Cohiba Toro Tubos 5 Pack
Package of 5
x 50
Cohiba Toro Tubos - The Cohiba Toro Tubos cigar combines long-aged
Dominican Cuban-seed fillers, rare Indonesian Jember binders, and
savory African Cameroon wrappers for a rich-tasting, creamy-smooth
In order to create a rich-tasting, perfectly-balanced,
creamy-smooth smoke, Cohiba Churchill cigars combine long-aged
Dominican Cuban-seed fillers, rare Indonesian Jember binders and
savory African Cameroon wrappers.
The Cohiba Corona Minor cigars combine long-aged Dominican
Cuban-seed fillers, rare Indonesian Jember binders, and savory
African Cameroon wrappers for a perfectly balanced, creamy-smooth
The Cohiba Crystal Corona cigars are hand-rolled with long-aged
Dominican Cuban-seed fillers, rare Indonesian Jember binders, and
savory African Cameroon wrappers for a rich-tasting, creamy-smooth
Cohiba Lonsdale Grande - Cohiba Lonsdale Grande cigars. Featuring
specially selected Cuban seed tobaccos and Indonesian Jember
binders, Cohiba Lonsdale Grande cigars are expertly crafted in the
Dominican Republic. In addition to its legendary pedigree, the
smoke is rich, smooth, and satisfying.
With a vintage, aromatic Cameroon wrapper, Cohiba Robusto cigars
are flawlessly handmade in the Dominican Republic with specially
selected Cuban seed tobaccos and Indonesian Jember binder. This
smoke lives up to its legendary reputation with its rich, smooth,
and satisfying taste.
With specially selected Cuban seed fillers and Indonesian Jember
binders, Cohiba Robusto Fino cigars are flawlessly handmade in the
Dominican Republic.
Introducing the newest addition to the luxurious Cohiba brand -
the Cohiba Riviera Box-Pressed Toro cigar. This premium offering
boasts not only a magnificent taste, but also several firsts for
this iconic Cuban heritage brand. It's the first-ever box-pressed
cigar from Cohiba, featuring a San Andrés wrapper and Nicaraguan
Condega long filler tobacco - a blend unlike any other before it.
Complementing these unique elements are Honduran long filler
tobacco from the Jamastran Valley region and a delicious
Connecticut-seed Honduran binder. Upon lighting this
medium-bodied 6.5 x 52 gem, prepare to be transported by its
smooth complexity, with notes of white pepper, leather, earth,
and coffee bean, complemented by a lingering sweetness on the
palate. Order now and indulge in an unforgettable smoking
experience with volcanic-rich soils from Mexico's San Andrés
Valley and Nicaragua - truly embodying the essence of Cohiba.
TheCigarStore.com does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. TheCigarStore.com does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.