Finding the right cigar for you is always an exciting adventure. But finding those rare gems? That could be a tad bit exhausting and frustrating. These “unicorns” of the cigar industry may be so hard to find because they’re collected privately and remain in the small circles of the cigar industry.
Fiat Lux Acumen 5 pack
Package of 5
x 56
Toro Grande
Luciano Meirelles and ACE Prime Cigars have crafted the Fiat Lux in
Nicaragua at Tabacalera Pichardo, well-known for producing Crowned
Heads cigars. The Latin phrase appears in the Bible and translates
to 'Let there be light,' but Luciano suggests that it symbolizes
'enlightenment' when one experiences the complexity of flavours and
introspection during a smoke. Although serious, Fiat Lux offers an
enjoyable experience. The dark, high-priming ACE Prime wrapper
ensures a rewarding draw throughout.
El Reloj (in Spanish "the clock") is a one-of-a-kind cigar, made in
the last operating cigar factory in Tampa, Florida, once the fine
cigar capital of the world. Its flavorful smoke can be smoked for a
very reasonable price. This 8" by 53 ring stick features aged
tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Honduras, which
are wrapped in Ecuadorian Havana Seed Sungrown leaves.
Leon Jimenes Connecticut No 1 is a box of 10 classic parejo cigars
made by La Aurora Cigar Factory, based in the Dominican Republic
and renowned for their high-end smokes. Their Connecticut No 1
blend is crafted with light wrappers cultivated in Ecuador, along
with a well-aged mixture of Dominican and Nicaraguan long-leaf
tobaccos. This mild smoke is ideal for those who prefer smooth and
refined tastes; the meticulous rolling process results in a
consistently flavorful, medium-bodied experience.
A handmade cigar, the Leon Jimenes Robusto cigar features long
filler from the Dominican Republic, a binder from the Dominican
Republic, and an insert from the Dominican Republic. With a mild
strength and aroma of cinnamon and cedar wood, this cigar is
perfect for every evening.
A medium bodied cigar with great balance, XEN by Nish Patel Short
Robusto features flavors of sweet spice, coffee, cedar, with a
nutty finish. As a box pressed cigar with an Ecuador Connecticut
wrapper, XEN by Nish Patel is made by Rocky Patel and reflects what
he loves most about cigars.
With flavors of sweet spice, coffee, cedar, and a nutty finish, XEN
by Nish Patel Toro is a medium bodied cigar. The XEN by Nish Patel
cigar is made by Rocky Patel and has a silky smooth Ecuador
Connecticut wrapper. It reflects what he loves about cigars.
Maria Mancini's Magic Mountain Figurado is one of the most coveted
sizes in the line. The H2000 wrapper covers a Honduran binder, aged
Nicaraguan filler, and a Honduran binder. One of the best bargains
in the whole, wide cigar world, this bursting Cuban style cigar is
packed with rich, earthy flavor.
Jeff Borysiewicz and Jon Foster have come together to produce a
truly unique cigar - The American. Crafted using the Florida Sun
Grown wrapper grown by Borysiewicz in Clermont, along with
Foster's Connecticut Broadleaf binder and a filler blend of
Foster's Connecticut Havana tobacco and Mennonite-grown tobaccos
from Lancaster County, it is set to revive an old 'Cigar City'
tradition. Borysiewicz shared his excitement saying, "We are
thrilled to see our Florida-grown wrapper being used in a
domestically handmade cigar after 50 years of absence."
The Asylum PCA Exclusive is available through cigar retailers who
attended the annual trade show held by the Premium Cigar
Association. There are a variety of large ring-gauge cigars from
Asylum cigars that are packed with flavor. This limited-edition,
solid medium bodied cigar is made from an all Honduran blend and
handcrafted at the Aladino Factory, Honduras.
Jonathan Drew is an inspirational force, coming up with some of
the most creative cigars out there. His ideas for 'Copper Label'
(it's earlier name) was a blend of ACID, Natural and typical
blends - and he nailed it. CI Legends by Drew Estate undoubtedly
ranks among the top infused cigars made by Drew Estate. Wrapped
in a gorgeous Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf, this handmade combines
robust Nicaraguan long-fillers with Dominican Piloto tobacco.
These condimented tobaccos are carefully mixed with amaretto and
hazelnut flavors, culminating in a delightful experience.
Starting off sweetly, it blesses your palate with plentiful
velvety taste, revealing hints of coffee along with traces of
hazelnut and pepper at its center. It's gentle to medium-bodied
yet highly savory.
The Pichardo Clasico Natural Toro is a well-balanced smoke with a
savory profile. Its savory, reddish Ecuadorian Sun-grown wrapper
is expertly placed over a binder and filler made of premium
Nicaraguan leaves. It is handmade in Nicaragua at the Tabacalera
Pichardo factory and offers a smooth, flavorful medium-bodied
smoking experience with notes of earth and spice accompanied by a
rich tobacco flavor.
There are mouthwatering notes of cocoa and sweet spices in this
medium-strength cigar. With its dark Mexican San Andres Maduro
wrapper covering a Nicaraguan binder and filler, the Murcielago
is a cigar for cigar aficionados who love maduro cigars or who
wish to venture into the darker side of cigars.
In 2019, Micky Pegg and two of his companions—Frank Layo and
Martin Corboy—established All Saint Cigars. They tapped into
Rocky Patel’s Tabacalera Villa Cuba S.A. factory located in
Nicaragua to craft the company's cigars. The Dedicación line from
All Saints offers an aromatic mixture of cedar and dark chocolate
as its primary notes, with subordinate impressions of creamy
peanuts, leather, espresso beans, cocoa nibs, hay and cedar along
with a light seasoning. This cigar delivers a mild to medium
smoke which culminates in the medium realm, resulting in a
multi-faceted blend packed with flavors. It has been
enthusiastically appraised by many reviewers earning numerous
scores over 90 points.
Limited Cigar Association: Incredible Hug East Edition by AJ Fernandez 5 pack
Package of 5
x 56
Privada Cigar Club launched the Limited Cigar Association in
2020, granting connoisseurs an unprecedented opportunity:
Partnering with renowned cigar brands and personalities, Privada
produces limited-release cigars exclusively available through LCA
and its retail partners. With a new release every month, you can
always expect something intriguing from the LCA. Its June 2023
release — the Incredible Hug cigar— is an especially novel
offering by AJ Fernandez that offers a powerful punch tempered by
a gentle caress on the palate. This two-edition cigar is split
between EAST and WEST versions based on retailers' location, and
here we have access to the EAST edition made of Nicaraguan Habano
wrapper in 6" x 56 size.
It used to be commonplace for cigar aficionados to douse their
sticks with brandy or bourbon before kindling them up, but such
practices have since ceased and rightly so; the results could
only be described as 'quite a mess.' Maker's Mark now can provide
enthusiasts with the combination of fine cigars and bourbon
through an innovative infusion process. Refraining from directly
exposing the tobacco to the liquid, Maker's Mark instead infuse
their cigars with select flavours and scents unique to their
recipe. Crafted using Dominican long-filler tobaccos, these
cigars deliver a smooth yet distinctive smoke enhanced by the
refinement of Maker's Mark bourbon. Lastly, each stogie is
encased in a glass tube sealed with the famous red wax bearing
Maker's Mark's signature, making sure the fine aromas of both
bourbon and tobacco remain perfectly preserved at optimal
Romeo y Julieta have made an incredible name for themselves with
years of experience, quality construction, delicious flavors, and
fresh releases. The Envy breathes new life into the brand,
crafted in collaboration with the renowned Plasencia family and
limited-edition 6" x 55 toros. Nicaraguan tobaccos across the
board make for a medium to full-bodied experience complemented by
a Jalapa wrapper. Smoking this cigar is all about embracing Romeo
y Julieta's love for their craft - and you may very well
experience a bit of envy when you do!
No cigar lover can deny Romeo Y Julieta's influence on the global
industry. Founded in Cuba, they are one of the most widely known
brands in the world. Today, their newest entry into the market is
an impressive limited-edition blend: Romeo’s Book of Love.
Comprised of a Dominican core and binder, as well as an
Ecuadorian wrapper, this richly flavored cigar offers up notes of
cedar, dark chocolate and a slight spiciness on the finish. This
medium to full-bodied smoke comes in an exquisite 10-count box
that looks like an old book. Whether you love or hate them, it's
clear this outstanding limited edition is another example of why
Romeo Y Julieta remains at the top of its game.
Artista Series is a novel approach to blending tobaccos, bringing
you our best work yet after years of hard work, development, and
learning from failure and capitalizing on success. As our first
premium full-bodied cigar, Artista Midnight features an
Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. A Connecticut shade binder adds
sweetness and three different kinds of fillers impart an
incredible flavor profile.
With a savory complexity complemented by spices, coffee, and
sweetness, this cigar is a potent, flavorful cigar. My Father
Cigars handmade the cigars in Nicaragua with a Connecticut
Broadleaf maduro wrapper that surrounds a Nicaraguan binder and
filler. As its name implies, Las Calaveras Edicion Limitada 2023
is produced in limited quantities, so order your boxes today to
enjoy this year's rich flavors and fine craftsmanship.
Artista Series is a novel approach to blending tobaccos,
reflecting years of hard work, development, learning from failure
and capitalizing on success to bring you our best work yet. An
exquisite Sumatra wrapper, a flavorful Habano Seco binder, and a
blend of filler that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before
make up Artista Harvest.
The Casdagli Basilica A Toro is a full-bodied premium cigar with
a unique shaggy foot that exposes the filler for an enhanced
flavor experience. This flavorful toro boasts a tantalizing
natural Dominican Republic Cotui wrapper and aged Dominican
Republic Bonao binder. The filler consists of carefully selected
tobaccos from Peru, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, and the USA.
The exquisite blend offers a harmonious sweetness with hints of
vanilla, chocolate, and oak. Handmade at the Kelner Boutique
Factory in the Dominican Republic, this exceptional cigar earned
a 96% "Extraordinary" rating from Blind Man's Puff in 2018.
Cohiba is a renowned brand known for its extravagant blends and
superb construction. You'll find this top-shelf brand in any
store, calling out your name. Don't settle for cube steak, when
you can indulge in a fillet with Cohiba. This brand is perfect
for celebrating special moments and adding a touch of elegance.
The latest release from the Cohiba Royale is full of exciting
firsts for the brand, coming from General Cigar's factory in
Esteli, Nicaragua. A first-ever box-pressed Cohiba with top-notch
construction awaits us. The blend features meticulously bunched
Honduran and Nicaraguan long-fillers and a Honduran broadleaf
binder. But the most notable "first" is the use of a dark and
oily Mexican San Andres wrapper. The filler and binder tobaccos
were all grown in Jamaicastran Valley and La Entrada, along with
tobaccos from Esteli and Condega in Nicaragua. Medium to
full-bodied, this blend offers rich flavors of dark chocolate,
coffee beans, and leather that are sure to impress.
Known as one of the top contenders in the cigar industry,
Cohiba's Cuban legacy brand is recognized by many, even those who
do not partake in smoking cigars. It was a no-brainer to pair
this prestigious name with another leading brand, bourbon. The
latest edition of their partnership, Weller by Cohiba, may just
be their most impressive creation yet. This third installment
features a binder crafted from Connecticut-grown broadleaf, aged
in genuine Weller Bourbon barrels. Beneath it lies a blend of
Nicaraguan and Brazilian tobaccos, all encased in a Nicaraguan
Jalapa wrapper. Expect flavors of oak, earth, and spice with
subtle notes of molasses on the finish. Don't hesitate to secure
your limited edition box now before they're gone!
In June 2019, Fratello Arlequin was introduced alongside the
Space Fresh Packs. The aim was for consumers to select their
preferred cigar from the two options offered in the pack and
share their feedback with the Fratello Team. After careful
consideration of all votes, the blend that came out on top was
chosen for Fratello Arlequin. This box-pressed cigar is expertly
crafted at Joya de Nicaragua in Esteli, using a Mexican San
Andres wrapper and an Ecuador Habano binder with filler tobaccos
from both Peru and Nicaragua. The end result is a medium to full
bodied smoke bursting with rich, complex flavors. It strikes a
perfect balance between the earthy notes of the San Andres Maduro
wrapper and the spiciness of the binder and filler tobaccos.
The J. London brand stands in a tier shared by only a select few
cigar brands. For those who may be unaware, this is the top-shelf
tier where ultra-premium blends reside and are reserved for
special occasions. These are not your average yardwork cigars.
Instead, they are reserved for moments that call for something
exceptional. For The Ripper blend from J. London, a combination
of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos is used, wrapped in an
Ecuadorian Habano binder and finished off with a smooth
Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper. This medium to full-bodied blend
offers flavors of cedar, earth, and pepper on the finish. Each
box contains one cigar with a unique dagger design carved from
tobacco on the wrapper. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.