The Cheap Bastard Cigar is the most affordable cigar brand around. Based on their name, you would never expect the high quality of the cigar until it is in your hands. These well-made, hand-rolled cigars are made with long and medium fillers of 100% Dominican tobacco and wrapped in gorgeous Sumatra wrappers. The cigar emits chocolate aromas and notes of grass and coffee.
Cheap Bastard Gordo 5 pack
Package of 5
x 60
Robusto Largo
Aficionados and casual cigar smokers alike are snatching up Cheap
Bastard Cigars with reckless abandon. And who can blame them?
It's no wonder that Cheap Bastard Cigars are rapidly becoming one
of the most popular cigar brands around. Cigar aficionados and
casual cigar lovers alike are snatching up these hand-rolled cigars
with reckless abandon.
The Cheap Bastard Cigar is a truly remarkable product. Not only are
these 100% handmade Dominican cigars of long and medium filler
(Cuban Sandwich style) incredibly high quality, they're also
incredibly affordable. With their Sumatra wrapping providing smooth
flavor and good smoke, even the pickiest of Cheap Bastards is sure
to be satisfied. When it comes to cigars in this price range,
others just can't compare; the burn and aroma are far below what
you'd get from a Cheap Bastard.
The Cheap Bastard Cigar is a fantastic cigar. The 100% handmade
Dominican blend of long and medium filler (Cuban Sandwich style)
delivers amazing quality for such an incredible price. Sumatra
wrappers mean a great draw, producing smooth flavor and plenty of
smoke to satisfy even the most discerning Cheap Bastard. Compared
to other cigars in this price range, the quality of these smokes is
incomparable - they blow any imposters out of the water!
The Dominican Republic's Cheap Bastard Cigars are hand-rolled in
the traditional Cuban Sandwich style from the Dominican Republic.
With a silky Sumatra outer wrapper and a special blend of three
select tobaccos of medium and long filler, the Cheap Bastard Cigar
delivers a mild to medium smoke with lots of flavor, smoothness,
even burn and great aroma that is not only easy on the palate, but
is also easy on your wallet.
Introducing Cheap Bastard Cigars. Handmade Dominican Republic
cigars, rolled in the traditional Cuban Sandwich style. With a
silky Sumatra outer wrapper and a special blending of three select
tobaccos of medium and long filler, the Cheap Bastard Cigar
delivers a mild to medium smoke with a lot of flavor, smoothness,
even burn and great aroma that isn't only easy on the palate, but
most importantly... easy on the wallet. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.