One of the oldest names in the cigar industry, Bolivar Cigars date back to 1901. The cigar was originally created to pay homage to one of the greatest liberators in the world, Simon Bolivar. The dark-reddish wrapper is grown in Honduras and the long leafed tobacco is grown in Nicaragua utilizing two different fillers. The result is a smooth yet robust taste that leaves behind an aftertaste of relaxing sweetness.
Bolivar Cofradia Robusto 5 pack
Package of 5
x 54
For those searching for a bold, flavorful smoke that won't break
the bank, look no further than the Bolivar Cofradia. This robusto
is made by the master cigar crafter Estelo Padron and fashioned
with an Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed wrapper, USA Connecticut broadleaf
binder, and filler of Honduras and Nicaraguan leaves. It offers a
stimulating spicy and earthy profile that makes it ideal for
unwinding on the golf course or during a Saturday barbeque.
Handmade at the Honduras American Tobacos facility, this cigar
definitely deserves to be sampled.
The Bolivar Cofradia Toro is an economical cigar crafted by master
cigar maker Estelo Padron. It boasts an Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed
natural wrapper, USA Connecticut broadleaf binder, and filler of
leaves from both Honduras and Nicaragua. This full-bodied variety
offers a hearty taste with a spicy and earthy profile, making it a
great choice for golfers or Saturday barbequers alike. Enjoy this
invigorating smoke without breaking the bank, as it is made by hand
at Honduras American Tobacos factory.
Bolivar Cofradia was created by the late Estelo Padron to represent
the camaraderie between cigar aficionados. With an affordable
price, you can share a stick with your leaf-loving comrades.
Showcasing a medium strength blend of premium tobaccos like Ecuador
Sumatra and Honduran/Nicaraguan leaves, these cigars release
flavors of earth, spices, peppers and a layer of woody sweetness.
All-season smokers will enjoy these cigars so don't hesitate to get
your box today!
Cofradia Torpedo is the creation of none other than Estelo Padron,
so you know this cigar is made from premium materials and is
meticulously crafted. A Connecticut binder and Ecuadorian Sumatra
wrapper protect this blend of long fillers from Nicaragua and
Honduras. Your palate will be engulfed with notes of spice and
earth in this full-bodied blend. Enjoy it today!
This full-bodied Bolivar cigar boasts a delectable mix of spicy,
earthy, fruity, and coffee notes. Its Ecuadorian Habano maduro
wrapper encloses a Brazilian Arapiraca binder and high-quality
Brazilian and Colombian filler leaves. Handcrafted in Honduras,
the Gran Republica blend honors Simon “El Libertador” Bolivar,
the 19th Century South American revolutionary who brought
independence to numerous countries in Central and South America -
two of which provided the premium tobaccos used in this cigar.
Enjoy a truly liberating experience by pairing the Bolivar Gran
Republica with an aged single malt scotch or a rich cup of
Bolivar Gran Republica Cigars honor the memory of Simon Bolivar,
the revolutionary figure responsible for liberating many South
and Central American countries - sources of tobacco found in this
unique blend. The cigars feature a mix of Brazilian Matafina,
Nicaraguan Esteli and Condega, Honduran, and Colombian tobaccos,
capped by a Brazilian Arapiraca binder. Finally, an Ecuadorian
Habano wrapper wraps it all up into three available sizes. This
masterpiece is the perfect homage to an iconic leader!
Bolivar cigars have a rich and esteemed history that dates back
to 1901, inspired by the legacy of famous South American
liberator, Simon Bolivar. Estelo Padron, renowned in the cigar
industry, has crafted yet another strong blend for Bolivar's
line. Drawing from Bolivar's legendary battle strategies –
strength and assertiveness – Cofradia is made from Honduran and
Nicaraguan long fillers along with a Connecticut binder, all
wrapped in a robust Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. With its
full-bodied flavor of hearty earth and spice, it's sure to leave
even the most sophisticated aficionado more than impressed. And
with excellent construction plus an extended burn time, adding
this blend to your humidor is an opportune decision. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.