At the 2018 IPCPR Trade Show, Davidoff of Geneva launched a new brand called Back2Back. While the brand may be new, the blends are ones that might be familiar to cigar enthusiasts.
Back2Back Connecticut 70 x 7 5 pack
Package of 5
x 70
Davidoff of Geneva launched a new brand at the 2018 IPCPR Trade
Show, Back2Back. While the brand is new, the blends are not.
The Back2Back URNY Nicaragua 7" * 70 is a winning combination of
taste and visual appeal thanks to its contribution from the Urban
Artists & Cigar Collective known as URNY. Crafted by the Davidoff
Group in Honduras, it has a large medium to full-bodied profile
featuring all-Nicaraguan components which deliver creamy notes of
coffee, cedar and chocolate for an exceptionally rich experience.
The Back2Back URNY Connecticut 5" * 50 is the perfect marriage of
flavor and form.Davidoff's Honduran-made cigar presents a
mild-bodied robusto, with an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper
that covers a Mexican binder and Dominican filler blend. Its creamy
smoke is rich with nutty cedar and earthy aromas that linger to the
very last puff. Plus, URNY have lent their unique urban aesthetic
to the presentation of these fine cigars, making them a truly
beautiful experience.
The Back2Back URNY Nicaragua 5" * 50 is a combination of art and
taste. Produced by the Davidoff Group in Honduras, this medium to
full-bodied robusto features all-Nicaraguan components and stunning
artwork from URNY's Urban Artists & Cigar Collective, making it
stand out from the rest. Its smooth draw will take you on a
flavorful journey of coffee, cedar, and chocolate that will linger
until your last puff.
The Back2Back URNY Connecticut 6" * 60 is a top-tier Honduran cigar
made by Davidoff that offers more than just outstanding flavor.
Showcasing the stunning urban artwork of the Urban Artists & Cigar
Collective known as URNY, these cigars have substance and style.
The mild body of these large toros hides a blend of Ecuadorian
Connecticut Shade wrapper, Mexican binder, and Dominican filler
beneath. On smoking, it releases an array of buttery notes such as
cedar, nuts, and earth until the very last puff.
The Back2Back URNY Nicaragua 6" * 60 is crafted in Honduras by the
Davidoff Group, and it’s more than just a pleasure to smoke; the
Urban Artists & Cigar Collective, URNY, has adorned these fine
cigars with their amazing urban artwork. This medium to full-bodied
toro has an impressive size and is made entirely of Nicaraguan
components – each puff brings out flavorful notes of coffee, cedar
and chocolate. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.