Holding the staple as one of the best cigars in the U.S, Baccarat cigars are produced at the Camacho factory at Ranchos Jamastran in Danli, Honduras. They were introduced in 1989 by Julio Eiroa and quickly became a top seller for the Camacho family. The flavor profile is a mild and creamy taste with hints of cedar and coffee and has a sweetened cap to enhance the taste buds.
Baccarat Panatela 5 Pack
Package of 5
x 38
The Baccarat Panatela cigars are a winner in terms of value; rolled
from Honduran long leaves infused with Havana seeds, Mexican
binders, and Honduran wrappers with a hint of sweetness. With a
hint of coffee flavoring, Baccarat cigars offer a very mild and
smooth taste.
Baccarat Petit Corona - Baccarat Petit Corona cigars are a winner
in terms of value; rolled from Honduran long leaves, Mexican
binders, and Honduran wrappers with just the slightest hint of
sweetness. With a slight touch of coffee flavors, Baccarat cigars
have a very mild, smooth taste.
It is a winning cigar; Baccarat Luchadore cigars are crafted from
Havana seed Honduran long leaves, Mexican binders, and Honduran
wrappers, giving them a mild and smooth taste with a touch of
coffee flavors. Baccarat cigars are a winner in terms of value;
rolled from Havana seed Honduran long leaves, Mexican binders, and
Honduran wrappers.
We are a big fan of Baccarat Rothschild Natural cigars because they
are one of the best cigar values around. The flavor is mild and
sweet, and the construction is excellent.
The Baccarat Rothschild Maduro cigar is one of our best sellers
because it is one of the best cigar values you can find. Its flavor
is mild and sweet, and its construction is excellent.
Since 1871, Baccarat No. 1 Cigars have been producing some of the
most mild and aromatic cigars available. Both experienced and
novice cigar smokers favor them, as they are handmade with a blend
of Honduran-grown tobacco and topped off with a sweet wrapper like
certain Cuban cigars. These popular premium smokes prove to be
reliable in construction, flavor and cost. (Please note that some
images might not reflect the newer packaging.)
Providing an exceptional smoke for the money, Baccarat Belicoso
Natural cigars are smooth and sweet. With Havana seed Honduran long
leaves, Mexican binders, and Honduran wrappers with just the
slightest hint of sweetness, Baccarat cigars are a winner in terms
of value. There is a hint of coffee flavor in Baccarat's taste.
Churchill Natural Baccarat cigars are smooth and sweet, providing
an outstanding smoke for the price. Featuring Havana seed Honduran
long leaves, Mexican binders, and Honduran wrappers with just the
slightest hint of sweetness, Baccarat cigars are a winner in terms
of value. In addition to being mild and smooth, Baccarat has a
mild, coffee-like flavor.
It is smooth and sweet to smoke Baccarat Churchill Maduro cigars.
Baccarat cigars offer exceptional value for money. A winner in
terms of value, Baccarat cigars are crafted with Honduran long
leaves soaked in Havana seed, Mexican binders, and Honduran
wrappers that have just a hint of sweetness. In addition to its
mild, smooth taste, Baccarat has a touch of coffee flavor.
A great value cigar crafted from Havana seed Honduran long leaves,
Mexican binders, and Honduran wrappers with just the slightest
touch of sweetness, Baccarat Kings cigars are a winner in terms of
value. In addition to offering a mild, smooth taste, Baccarat also
carries a touch of coffee flavor.
As with some traditional Cuban cigars, Baccarat Gordo cigars are
handmade with an all-Honduran-grown tobacco core seamlessly rolled
in a sweetened wrapper cap.
A handmade long filler, Baccarat Havana the Game Cigars are the
highest quality cigars available in their field and price range.
This mild-bodied Baccarat cigar features a Connecticut wrapper
with a sweetened tip that is unique to the Havana the Game style
and is ideal for beginners. Baccarat Havana cigars are made with
Mexican Dulce Binder and Honduran Habano filler from the
Jamastran Valley.
This Honduran puro cigar delivers a pleasant aroma and notes of
sweetness. It has a sweetened tip and is a budget-friendly mild
cigar. Its light-tan wrapper is smooth and delicious. Made by
Davidoff in Honduras, the Baccarat Havana The Game Rothschild is
a great cigar for everyday use. It pairs well with coffee, tea,
pilsner beer or cognac.
TheCigarStore.com does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. TheCigarStore.com does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.