A first for Avo Cigars, the Avo Syncro Nicaragua series is an all-box-pressed cigar selection teeming with Nicaraguan fire and Dominican flair, all finished in a beautiful, dark and oily Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This outstanding blend begins with a uniquely sweet and spicy tobacco grown in the rich soil that lies beneath one of Nicaragua's most active volcanoes on the island of Ometepe. Known for its wild character and peppery notes, Avo Cigars carefully blended this Nicaraguan tobacco with Peruvian Olancho and only the finest San Vicente Mejorado and hybrid Olor/Piloto Dominican leaves, famous for their earthy flavors and soft, creamy notes. Stimulating the Nicaraguan and Dominican taste experiences at the same time, this fusion delivers a perfectly smooth and balanced smoke with an impressive amount of depth, complexity, harmony and taste. "I am delighted to share with you this exciting new line of Avo cigars that are ready to give the performance of a lifetime," says Avo Uvezian. "It's about a blending of various cultures and experiences perfectly in sync with the moments worth sharing."
Avo Syncro Nicaragua Robusto 5 pack
Package of 5
x 50
A sun-grown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper is accompanied by a
Dominican binder, and Nicaraguan, Peruvian, and Dominican filler
tobaccos are used for this blend. Box pressed in strength, this
beauty begins with a heavy spice and pepper note, which soon gives
way to sweet cream, cedar, roasted nuts, and leather.
Avalon Number Series cigars, like the Avo Syncro Nicaragua Toro,
are known for their distinct ring gauges. Taking inspiration from
the blues which combined various cultural elements from various
continents, these incredible premiums feature tobaccos sourced from
the likes of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras,
Brazil and Cameroon. Meticulously produced in both Nicaragua and
Miami's Little Havana factories, explore these complex sticks and
pick your favorite wrapper and ring gauge to experience flavors
from the Mississippi Delta.
The Avo Syncro Nicaragua Special Toro – Avalon Number Series cigars
are named for their extraordinary ring gauges. Taking inspiration
from the blues, which incorporated the most magnetic aspects from
cultures around the world, Avalon has combined astounding tobaccos
from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Brazil
and Cameroon to create these one-of-a-kind cigars. Skillfully
rolled in the tabacaleras of Nicaragua and Little Havana in Miami,
you can pick your favorite ring gauge and wrapper leaf to explore
these complex and luxurious blends that come straight from the
Mississippi Delta.
All-box-pressed cigars bursting with Nicaraguan fire and
Dominican flair, with an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, the Avo
Syncro Nicaragua series is a first for Avo Cigars.
Avo Cigars' Syncro Nicaragua series is a box-pressed cigar
selection bursting with Nicaraguan fire and Dominican flair, and
finished with a beautiful Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper.
TheCigarStore.com does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. TheCigarStore.com does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
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