Alec Bradley Cigars have had their share of top-ranked cigars, including their Prensado line ("Cigar of the Year, 2011"). So, when they decided to release the Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art cigars, a savory follow-up with another distinctive, full-bodied blend, cigar smokers were filled with anticipation. The Prensado Lost Art blend starts with long-fillers from Nicaragua and Honduras, then employs a dual Nicaraguan & Honduran binder, and complete it with a dark, glistening Honduran Corojo wrapper.
"There is a natural succession with this iteration," says Alec Bradley prez, Alan Rubin. "We've taken this well-performing brand that is highly-rated and a fan favorite by introducing a unique variation that lives up to the original's namesake."
Actually, Alan was being a bit modest. Handcrafted in five popular box-pressed sizes, the Prensado Lost Art goes far beyond the original in flavor, complexity and aroma. Rich notes of earth, peppery spice, sweet wood, bittersweet chocolate, roasted coffee, and more, abound in this follow-up that will have fans of the original Prensado singing its praises. If that's YOU, or if you just happen to enjoy full-bodied cigars that hit on all cylinders, add some Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art cigars to your next order.
Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art Churchill 5 pack
Package of 5
x 50
Given the immense success of Alec Bradley's Prensado line, cigar
aficionados were eagerly awaiting the brand's next release. The
Prensado Lost Art blend offers a hearty full-bodied smoke, crafted
with Nicaraguan and Honduran long-fillers, a dual Nicaraguan and
Honduran binder, and a smooth Honduran Corojo wrapper. According to
president Alan Rubin "This iteration is the natural successor to
our 2011 Cigar of the Year".
Releasing the Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art cigars, with its
distinctive, full-bodied blend, was met with keen anticipation from
cigar smokers. The blend uses long-fillers from Nicaragua and
Honduras for the filler, a dual Nicaraguan & Honduran binder, and
is finished off with a dark, glistening Honduran Corojo wrapper.
According to Alec Bradley president Alan Rubin, "There is a natural
succession with this iteration. We've
The Alec Bradley Cigar Company is known for its top-ranked cigars,
the most notable being their Prensado line ("Cigar of the Year,
2011"). Thus, cigar smokers were highly eager when they heard that
Alec Bradley was releasing the Prensado Lost Art cigars. This
flavorful blend consists of a Nicaraguan and Honduran long-filler
as well as a dual Nicaraguan & Honduran binder, all combined under
a dark and glossy Honduran Corojo wrapper. As Alan Rubin, president
of Alec Bradley, says "This iteration fits perfectly in the natural
progression of our Prensado line." does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.